Why install the security system

Jul 22, 2024

Why install the security system

Installing an alarm system is an act of mature self-care and forward-thinking. The present security market offers a range of devices for users. A well-considered system will yield many long-term benefits. Ajax devices can help prevent or minimize threats like intrusions, fires, or floods. And that's not all! Discover why installing an Ajax security system is beneficial and explore the solutions available for potential threats.

What is a security system?

A security system is a modern solution designed to protect your safety and provide peace of mind. Professional installers commonly set up these systems in commercial, industrial, and high-end residential premises, which require a heightened level of security. However, individuals also install alarm systems in their private buildings, as caution is always necessary.

The security market confidently provides a diverse array of products and services, vastly improving today's security systems, making them more intricate and secure. Users have the ability to expand their current set of devices in order to create a robust and highly efficient system. Security devices exhibit a range of variations in their purpose, price, technical specifications, and communication technologies.

You have the option to select from a variety of devices for detecting intrusion, fire, flood, or leaks. In terms of intrusion detectors, there are motion sensors and door/window opening devices. Some devices, such as the MotionCam Outdoor Jeweller, offer a photo verification option.

Finally, security systems can utilize different communication technologies, depending on the type of connection. The Ajax system uses Jeweller for wireless devices and Fibra for wired devices.

Types of security system

There are three types of security systems based on how the detectors send signals to the hub: wired, wireless, and hybrid systems. This variety allows flexibility in different circumstances.

In a wired security system, detectors send signals to the hub via cables. Wired devices are commonly used for large commercial premises such as warehouses, factories, or workshops.

In wireless security systems, the signal from the detectors to the hub is reliably transferred through a dedicated radio channel. If necessary, you can confidently relocate the wireless alarm system to a new location. Wireless devices are ideal for residential and mobile premises, such as motor homes or ships, especially when you connect an additional power source to the control panel.

A wireless alarm system comprises devices for safeguarding the premises against intrusion, fire, and flooding. Installers have the ability to configure the premises, while users or monitoring stations can control the secured area through Ajax applications.

The third type of security system is a hybrid. Hybrid alarm systems combine wired and wireless systems. For example, you can use a wireless system outside and have a wired one at home. The detectors send signals to the hub using both the radio channel and wires. By combining these two technologies, Ajax provides comprehensive protection for premises of different sizes and constructions. Instant in-app notifications, real-time system control, on-site or remote navigation, and automation scenarios contribute to an enhanced user experience with the hybrid system.

Prevent or reduce potential threats.

Ajax Security System provides a variety of devices to meet various security needs. These devices are built to high standards and can help prevent or mitigate potential threats such as intrusion, fire, or flood incidents. These events can be devastating, leading to financial loss and property damage.

Intrusion detection

An extensive range of motion sensors, door/glass detectors, and sirens are available to safeguard a secured area from intrusion. Ajax offers StarterKits, which are basic sets of devices for your safety. A StarterKit provides essential protection, and you can supplement it with additional solutions for enhanced security. If you live in a private house, it's important to consider both indoor and outdoor protection.

Thanks to modern security systems, users now have more options to enhance their protection against intruders. The Ajax app sends instant alarm notifications to alert the user or a security company about any incidents. Motion detectors with a photo verification feature enable the verification of the alert, ensuring that professional monitoring services can confirm it is not a false alarm.

Fire detection

Fire alarm systems promptly react to smoke, heat, and CO. Ajax fire detectors are essential for public spaces, significantly reducing asset damage in case of fire. In-app notifications promptly inform users, providing ample time for evacuation and fire department response.

The Ajax FireProtect 2 (Heat/Smoke/CO) is an advanced fire safety detector equipped with a dual-spectrum sensor that can instantly differentiate between smoke and water steam. This technology enables the detector to concentrate solely on real threats. Thanks to the device’s innovative software algorithm, it accurately detects fires, giving you peace of mind regarding false alarms.

Water leak prevention

Floods and fires can cause significant damage, including property damage, flooding, and power outages. The average cost of water damage is approximately $12,514. Utilizing water leak prevention devices is crucial for saving money and preventing potential damage. When facility owners are absent, the Ajax water leak prevention system is an essential tool to have.

LeaksProtect is a wireless leak detector with four sets of side contacts. When water comes into contact with any side of the device, it activates an alarm, and the user receives a notification. In this situation, having a device that enables you to shut off the water remotely would have been very useful. Ajax offers a great solution with WaterStop, a remotely controlled water shutoff valve.

The concept of WaterStop is that if Ajax LeaksProtect or a third-party leak detector is triggered, the device will automatically shut off the water within 7 seconds. The ability to monitor everything remotely provides flexibility and helps prevent property damage for you and your neighbors.

Personal safety

One compelling reason to install an alarm system is for personal security. You never know what might happen, so it's wise to take proactive measures to protect yourself. This is particularly important for individuals living alone, in remote areas, or for older people.

Alarm systems provide people with inner peace and confidence. For example, with the Ajax smart button, you can do the following:

  • Raise the alarm

  • Call for reinforcement

  • Prevent a robbery

  • Protect the children and yourself

  • Minimize the damage

  • Report a gas leak.

In addition, the Button can function as an auxiliary help button for people who require immediate assistance.

How to upgrade the security system for extra protection.

A modern security system needs to address all possible threats, and there are many indoor and outdoor devices available on the market. Today, it's easier than ever to expand the alarm system by adding more devices and enhancing overall security. Additionally, installers can help with upgrading an existing system.

Smart home devices

Ajax is dedicated to enhancing your security while also optimizing your productivity and comfort. Utilize the touch-sensitive LightSwitch to command your lighting fixtures and manage the lighting in your home with ease. Additionally, this device empowers users to remotely control curtains, effectively simulating the owner's presence. If kids are in the picture, take charge by deactivating the touch panel and overseeing the LightSwitch through the Ajax app to prevent any unauthorized usage.

In the pursuit of exquisite comfort, LifeQuality ensures top air quality and perfect CO₂ levels. It's important to address poor air quality, which can hinder productivity and health. By evaluating air quality accurately, LifeQuality offers the opportunity to improve living conditions. For example, Ajax System will promptly activate a humidifier to mitigate poor air quality.


A security system is an essential and dependable solution to protect your premises from potential threats. A professionally installed alarm system ensures readiness for any intrusion, fire, or flooding. Security companies can guide you in selecting devices that perfectly match your requirements.

Investing in a security system guarantees your safety and peace of mind for years to come. Whether it's an apartment or a large warehouse, Ajax devices offer the confidence and security needed for any level of protection.

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